"RED PACKET DROPS" Pubg Mobile New Event | Pubg Mobile India


Red Packets And Amazing Awards Await You


  1. From 01/24 to 01/28, Red Packets will drops from the main menu at a specific time period.
  2. Each drop lasts for 30 minutes, and players may collect up to 5 Red Packets.
  3. Open Red Packets to get one of the following: BP, Silver, Classic Coupon Scraps, Golden Redemption Card, Silver Redemption Card, or Bronze Redemption card.
  4. Gold Redemption Card: contact customer service to get the physical Golden Helmet reward.
  5. Silver Redemption Card: contact customer service to get a pair of AirPods.
  6. Bronze Redemption Card: A USD 20 Google Play or App Store gift card.
  7. Players that won the Gold Redemption Card and the Silver Redemption Card should contact customer service under Settings before 03/28/20 and provide their shipping address for the physical rewards. Please use the #redpacket hashtag when contacting customer service for faster processing.
  8. Gift card codes will be sent to winners via in-game mail 30 days after the end of the event. The type will be determined by the device registered.
  9. All PUBG MOBILE players will be able to participate in this event for free with an equal chance to win a reward.

  1. The golden helmet is created with silver and coated in gold. It is worth about USD 500 and 10 will be given out to players.
  2. AirPods are USD 175 each. 50 pairs will be given.
  3. Gift cards are USD 20 each but will be converted to players' local currencies. 1,000 cards will be given.
  4. Gift cards cannot be returned.
  5. PUBG MOBILE reserves the right to interpret the event rules.

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