5 characters in free fire that can be used in minimum cost

    There are many characters in Free Fire. There are currently 37 characters in the game. Some characters are quite cheap while some characters are much more expensive. Here we are going to talk about the 5 cheapest and best characters.

1. Ford

    Ford was an ordinary man from the navy. The Ford can be obtained in 2000 Gold Coins or 199 Diamonds. With this help, you can reduce the damage outside the safe zone by 4%.

Ford Character in Free Fire
Image Credit: ff.garena.com

2. Nikita

    Nikita is a professional bodyguard. Nikita can be obtained in 2000 Gold Coins or 199 Diamonds. With the help of this character, you can reload SMGs 4% faster.

Nikita Character in Free Fire

Image Credit: ff.garena.com

3. Kelly

    Kelly is a high-school sprinter. Players can achieve this character with the help of 2000 Gold Coins or 199 Diamonds. Kelly can be considered one of the oldest characters of Free Fire. Its strength is the dash and your speed will increase by 1%. You will get help in sprinting here.

Kelly Character in Free Fire

Image Credit: ff.garena.com

4. Olivia

    Olivia was a nurse. The Olivia can be purchased at 199 Diamonds or 2000 Gold Coins from Free Fire's in-game store. Olivia's strength is the healing touch. Whenever you revive a player, you will get an extra 6HP.

Olivia Character in Free Fire

Image Credit: ff.garena.com

5. Hayato

    Hayato is actually a legendary samurai and his strength is Bushido. This increases the penetration by 7.5% while decreasing 10% HP. If you like to play defensive then this character can be good for you. Also, you will benefit from this character even while taking fights. Its price is 8000 gold coins.

Hayato Character in Free Fire

Image Credit: ff.garena.com

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